Orkut is known as a social networking site to make new friends and stay connected with old pals. But with the increasing number of it’s users, you will find several inappropriate contents on Orkut. These inappropriate contents are, but not limited to adult photos, hate or abusive words, adult communities, offensive comments etc. These inappropriate contents are not suitable for minors who love to use Orkut and hence Orkut started Orkut safety filter. Orkut safety filter hides all inappropriate and offensive contents from your profile, you just see what are suitable for general viewing. Now you won’t get ashamed of opening Orkut in office or home.
Orkut marks few communities and profiles inappropriate. These profiles either contain some adult photos, hate speech or abusive words or something offensive like that. Since these are not suitable for all users, Orkut shows a inappropriate content warning before you access those profiles or communities. This warning looks like the below screenshot.
To enable Orkut safety filter on your profile, follow the below steps.
1. Login to your Orkut account.
2. Navigate to Settings >> select the General tab.
3. Check out the option safety filter and select the sub-option do not show inappropriate content.
4. Click on Save to save the changes you have made.
5. You are done.
Now your Orkut profile is secured from any inappropriate contents. Here is what happens once you activate safety filter on your Orkut account.
1. Orkut will hide potentially offensive profiles and communities from you.
2. Potentially offensive profiles and communities will get disappeared from your profile lists.
3. You will be warned with an inappropriate content notice before accessing offensive profiles or communities.
I would suggest you to activate Safety filter feature on Orkut, specially if you are under 18. This not only secures your profile but also your personality since offensive profiles and communities stop appearing in your friends and community list.
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