Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010

Block or Restrict Friend Requests from Unknown People on orkut

Many of us don’t like adding unknown people to our friends list on Orkut. However there are people who keep sending friend requests to every other person just to increase their friends count. Personally speaking, each day I get 20+ requests on Orkut, but my friends list is limited to 112 only at this moment. I really don’t like adding unknown people to my list and that’s why I manually decline their pending requests everyday. However, you can use a filter to automatically block friend requests from unknown people.

Orkut has a privacy settings from where you can filter incoming friend requests. You can choose to get from unknown people or from people from your country only or from the people who are in your friend’s list. To set these filters, navigate to Settings >> Privacy >> Friend requests are allowed to sent by

Here you will notice few options. For an easy explanation I’ve marked the options as 1, 2 and 3.

  1. Select the second option that says “Anyone who fits one of the following options” to start filtering
  2. First sub-option gets activated automatically once you select the above option. This will ask people to enter your email address in order to send friend requests. Persons who don’t know your email address won’t be able to send requests to you.
  3. Second sub-option will make the privacy settings more stronger by allowing friend requests from those persons who are in at least one of your friend’s list
  4. Orkut is available worldwide and hence if you want to receive requests from people of selected countries only, tick the third sub-option

Click on Save to save the changes you have made. Now no one who does not meet above requirements won’t be able to send friend requests to you. This is the best way to avoid unwanted friend requests on Orkut.

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